In 2012, going into our 3rd year of being in the community, Home Depot was kind enough to donate small pots, soil, and various flower seeds for our first Youth Chat to help remind the youth to water and nourish their flower every day like they would their dreams. Through a kind donation from Family Dollar, we were able to continuously provide free meals at our Youth Chats throughout the year. In April, at our 2nd Annual Picnic, twelve flag football teams in three different divisions from all over Miami competed in our Flag Football Tournament. With the help of volunteers from UNICEF@FIU and the FIU colony of Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, we were able to reach more than 200 youth and families.
To be able to continuously provide free and enriching events to our at-risk youth; our supports, volunteers, members and committee members raised funds through a volunteer program with Centerplate Catering. For each volunteers time and commitment, we are extremely thankful and we hope to continue this volunteerism.
President and founder, Travis Sands was a 1st time nominee for the African American Achievers Award present by JM Lexus. Sands was also featured in the Miami Times Newspaper in late January (http://miamitimesonline.com/a-whole-new-world/) as well featured as a BCG Changemaker Spotlight on Black Celebrity Giving's website (http://www.blackcelebritygiving.com/2012/01/bcg-change-maker-spotlight-travis-sands-mentoring-children-from-single-parent-homes/).
Most notably of 2012 was the launch of our Positive Imprint Club in October, which focuses on pride, purpose, leadership and family bond, at Miami Jackson Senior High School. The program initially started with just six students that were experiencing bullying issues. The club is continually growing in numbers and is open to any interested students. And in December we closed the year out by giving away toys to over 250 youth from the inner cities of Miami with a major thank you to Tacolcy for providing 12 bags or rewrapped toys and sponsor Costco for aiding us in providing free dinner to our families.
In 2011, Our Chance Enterprise hosted 16 successful events within the City of Miami Parks and the Howard Johnson hotel in Hialeah; which introduced over 1000 kids to the Social Empowerment Program. Within this same year 15 individuals, eager to help our youth in need, became members. These members assisted the growth, and stability of the organization with their resources, monthly investment and participation.Our Chance Enterprise was fortunate enough to partner with the City of Miami Parks and Recreation to host our Social Empowerment Program events, and Miami Dade College and Florida Memorial University to recruit volunteers to help at our events. In August, OCE collaborated with the City of Miami Police Department, and Miami Dolphins Special Teams to supply over 600 kids in the community with back to school essential materials and book-bags.
October was a great month in which we held a seminar for potential ambassadors to learn more about the benefits of giving back and of helping not only OCE, but our youth. At this time we look forward to hosting other orientation training for future ambassadors.
In the spirit of giving, we held our 2nd annual Remember the Reason for The Season Youth Jam which exceeded 2011 record, by giving away over 200 toys and providing dinner to local families that may not have been able to celebrate the holidays. We couldn't have done it without the help of Miami native and rapper Trina and Tacolcy Park who both donated additional toys, as well as a sponsorship from Costco to assist in providing the meals. Our last event for the year also have live entertainment from School of Rock and many local positive performers.